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303 South Battleground Avenue
Kings Mountain, NC, 28086
United States

(704) 750-4279

Opening Spring of 2018 Serving the Carolinas through specific chiropractic adjustments by locating, analyzing, and correcting vertebral subluxations. Who should have their spine checked? Everyone!! We love checking spines of all shapes and sizes. Instagram @alignchiropracticnc Twitter @alignchironc

Can Align Chiropractic Help?


What We Can Do For You


At Align Chiropractic, our focus is the thorough Structural Correction of your spine. The gentle and precise nature of the Structural Correction allows for maximum correction and ease of structural alignment. We utilize Upper Cervical protocol to address the Atlas Displacement Complex. Align Chiropractic also uses structural exams to verify that the body is structurally aligned and the nervous system is functioning properly. By correcting the structure of the spine, it will relieve pressure on the discs and nerves that are causing your specific secondary condition.

When you understand Structural-Based Chiropractic, it's easy to understand how we can help. Our goal is long term relief so that you can have live a more fulfilled quality of life.

We realize that some people are only looking for temporary relief, or a patch to their secondary conditions, and there’s nothing wrong with that. There are no shortages of professionals who provide this type of service, and we’ll be happy to direct you to the ones we trust. We find that those who seek out our services are those looking for a long term solution to their problem, and that is what we are here to provide. This is done with a customized and comprehensive plan of care and providing the tools to help keep your structure intact.

We are the only facility in Cleveland County to focus on this unique approach to patient care and solutions to health problems.