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303 South Battleground Avenue
Kings Mountain, NC, 28086
United States

(704) 750-4279

Opening Spring of 2018 Serving the Carolinas through specific chiropractic adjustments by locating, analyzing, and correcting vertebral subluxations. Who should have their spine checked? Everyone!! We love checking spines of all shapes and sizes. Instagram @alignchiropracticnc Twitter @alignchironc

What Are My Options?


Your Treatment Options


When there is dis-ease, there are a wide variety of treatment options offered by both medical and alternative medicine practitioners. People often start with herbal/home remedies or medication which can turn down or shut off pain receptors. Most doctors are focused on pain and symptom relief (secondary conditions), and they often do an excellent job of providing that for at least a period of time. If that doesn’t work, then courses of physical therapy may be used to strengthen muscular weakness, address spasm, or increase mobility. Injection programs to calm the site of pain come in next. Increasing the strength and dose of prescription medications are often the next step. When those don’t work, more invasive procedures like surgery start to fall into the picture.

All of these treatment programs are effective in their appropriate time and place and have different goals. Our goal at Align Chiropractic is to provide a long term solution to your health by restoring the structural integrity of your spine. We look at your unique spine, analyzing each vertebra to make sure it is in proper alignment, and correcting misalignments as scientifically warranted. With proper structure then your body can function the way it was meant to function, reacting to illness, healing from overuse, and overall better quality of life with more ease.